Meaning Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
What does Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. You can also add a definition of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems yourself


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Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

SUDS offer an alternative approach to drainage in developed areas, that keeps water on site longer, prevents pollution and allows storage and use of the water. SUDS include one or more of the following: inlet structures, outlet structures, swales, constructed wetlands, ponds, filter trenches, attenuation tanks and detention basins (together with an [..]
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Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are designed to reduce the potential of flooding on new and existing urban developments. Unlike traditional urban stormwater drainage systems, they also help to protect and enhance ground water quality. Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) are the same as SUDS.
Source: (offline)


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Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

This describes a range of techniques for managing the flow of water run off from a site by treating it on site and so reducing the load on conventional piped drainage systems.

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